PHOTOS: Edmonton Rallies for Palestine and for Residential School Survivors
In May and June, Edmonton rallied against Israeli apartheid and the genocide of Indigenous people in Canada.
In May and June, Edmonton rallied against Israeli apartheid and the genocide of Indigenous people in Canada.
Nous voulons vous informer que la date limite pour soumettre un article pour la prochaine édition de Jeunesse militante est le 3 septembre 2021! /
We would like to inform you that the submission deadline for the upcoming issue of Rebel Youth is September 3rd, 2021!
On apprenait, début juin, que les cadres d’Air Canada se partageraient 10 millions de dollars en prime alors que le transporteur aérien connaissait, en 2020, l’une de ses pires performances économiques à cause de la pandémie de COVID-19.
This speech was delivered at an anti-racist event hosted by the Fraser Valley Peace Council in July 2021.
On Sunday, July 18th, the Vancouver club of the YCL-LJC joined a demonstration organized by member groups of the Vancouver #BlockTheBoat coalition.
Clearly, this is a poor attempt to justify an extravagance, when in reality the $2.9 million dollars could be better spent invested directly in the community of Vanier.
The following chapter (Ch. 7 of Understanding Marxism) discusses class consciousness and the barriers to it that exist under capitalism. The chapter also suggests ways around these barriers.
Son interdiction est simplement antidémocratique et ne sert qu’à faire taire les voix des jeunes et de la classe ouvrière.
La jeunesse anti-impérialiste sera toujours contre l’impérialisme, ses sanctions et ses interférences. Nous serons toujours avec la jeunesse et les peuples du monde. Nous serons toujours avec la Révolution cubaine!
The World Federation of Democratic Youth reiterates its support for the Cuban Revolution, its youth and its people and we denounce the criminal blockade against Cuba and that is being used to destabilize the island.