IN PHOTOS: Rallies held across Canada to demand release of Kononovich brothers
Young Communists and peace activists came out in solidarity with the Communist leaders arrested in Ukraine.
Young Communists and peace activists came out in solidarity with the Communist leaders arrested in Ukraine.
A previously unpublished account of a meeting with Mikhail Kononovich.
This incident is the first time a Canadian university has ever withheld student union funds over BDS support.
Report by C.Y. Anderson, photos by Matt Rowan, YCLers from Vancouver Over the last months,
On Saturday, December 11, Indigenous people and their allies held a rally and march in Toronto.
Dans les faits, si l’obligation vaccinale a mis le feu aux poudres, la mèche était déjà bien en place. Les Guadeloupéen-nes et Martiniquais-es sont surtout en lutte contre le mépris colonial.
If mandatory vaccination was the spark that ignited the fire, the fuse was already well in place.
With the 44th Canadian federal election quickly approaching on September 20, students should be aware of each federal party’s policies on post-secondary education.
On apprenait, début juin, que les cadres d’Air Canada se partageraient 10 millions de dollars en prime alors que le transporteur aérien connaissait, en 2020, l’une de ses pires performances économiques à cause de la pandémie de COVID-19.
Clearly, this is a poor attempt to justify an extravagance, when in reality the $2.9 million dollars could be better spent invested directly in the community of Vanier.