Layoffs and cuts as post-secondary crisis spreads into universities
Our fight for free education is also a fight for quality unionised jobs, for a life with a future
Our fight for free education is also a fight for quality unionised jobs, for a life with a future
Free post-secondary education is feasible and has been achieved in 22 countries. The problem is that the government is run according to the interests of the rich.
On Palestine, the University of Manitoba Students’ Union has failed in upholding the interests of its student base.
Memorial University continues its storied history of student militancy and advocacy
Cette mobilisation est une occasion de renforcer l’unité des étudiants autour des revendications fondamentales du mouvement étudiant.
This mobilization is an opportunity to strengthen the unity of students around the fundamental demands of the student movement.
Let us organize and demand action for students and workers, against corporations profiting from inflation.
The lessons and effects of this education will be felt through the club as a whole, and into the wider community as we continue to fight and organize for a socialist future in Canada.
Perspectives de lutte pour la nouvelle association nationale.
Le mouvement de 2015 n’a pas su construire l’unité qui fut la force de 2012.