Anxieties and Reflections on Entering the Nursing Profession
Unless the government provides me with the resources I need, I won’t have the time to show you the tenderness and care I feel for you as my patient.
Unless the government provides me with the resources I need, I won’t have the time to show you the tenderness and care I feel for you as my patient.
Comme le capital est incapable de soutenir son désir désespéré de croissance dynamique – qui aboutit inévitablement à la stagnation et à la crise – il doit chercher de nouvelles sources de profit.
As capital is constantly unable to sustain its desperate desire for dynamic growth – which inevitably results in stagnation and crisis – it must seek new sources of profit.
On Sunday, July 18th, the Vancouver club of the YCL-LJC joined a demonstration organized by member groups of the Vancouver #BlockTheBoat coalition.
On May 10, 86% of Wine Rack workers represented by SEIU Local 2 voted to take strike actions. Workers are now calling for a total boycott on Wine Rack to support the strike.
Windsor-Essex YCL-LJC members came out in support and solidarity with Unifor Local 1999 and all locked-out HVAC workers at Reliance Home Comfort.
En cette journée internationale des travailleuses et des travailleurs, la Ligue de la jeunesse communiste du Canada envoie des salutations chaleureuses aux jeunes, aux étudiant-es et aux jeunes travailleur-ses de tout le Canada.
This International Workers’ Day, the Young Communist League of Canada – Ligue de la jeunesse communiste du Canada sends warm greetings to youth, students, and young workers across Canada.
April 28th marks the Workers’ Day of Mourning in Canada and the World Day for Safety and Health at Work. To mourn for the fallen is to fight for the living. The YCL-LJC expresses solidarity with all workers of the world, who directly or indirectly have paid for employer negligence of health and safety measures at the workplace.
Depuis le début de la pandémie, Amazon a doublé ses profits, alors que beaucoup de ses travailleur-ses ont encore du mal à joindre les deux bouts.