Understanding Marxism: Working Class Consciousness
The following chapter (Ch. 7 of Understanding Marxism) discusses class consciousness and the barriers to it that exist under capitalism. The chapter also suggests ways around these barriers.
The following chapter (Ch. 7 of Understanding Marxism) discusses class consciousness and the barriers to it that exist under capitalism. The chapter also suggests ways around these barriers.
Son interdiction est simplement antidémocratique et ne sert qu’à faire taire les voix des jeunes et de la classe ouvrière.
La jeunesse anti-impérialiste sera toujours contre l’impérialisme, ses sanctions et ses interférences. Nous serons toujours avec la jeunesse et les peuples du monde. Nous serons toujours avec la Révolution cubaine!
The World Federation of Democratic Youth reiterates its support for the Cuban Revolution, its youth and its people and we denounce the criminal blockade against Cuba and that is being used to destabilize the island.
…To put it simply, this “cold ban” is undemocratic and serves only to silence the voices of young people and the working class.
The following chapter deals with the role of the revolutionary party in relation to the working class. It discusses Marxist conceptions of the leadership of a revolutionary party, as well as some popularly-proposed alternatives (social democracy, reformism, and anarchism).
Quarante ans après les raids historiques des bains publics, nous appelons à une lutte accrue pour l’égalité des droits des personnes lesbiennes, gaies, bisexuelles, transgenres, queer et bispirituelles au Canada!
Forty years after the historic bathhouse raids, we call for increased struggle for the equal rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and two-spirit people in Canada!
The following chapter (Ch. 5 of Understanding Marxism) debunks some other prominent theories: that society progresses and changes due to the “battle of ideas”, due to bigotry, or due to great individuals. It also discusses Marxist approaches to environmentalism and issues of sexism, homophobia, racism, and ethnic discrimination.
During the shift to online learning, students have seen many of the long-ignored flaws of the post-secondary education system exposed.