La cancel culture, le conservatisme et le communisme au Canada
Un spectre hante l’Amérique du Nord – le spectre de la cancel culture…
Un spectre hante l’Amérique du Nord – le spectre de la cancel culture…
This May marks the Centenary of the Communist Party of Canada – Parti communiste du Canada (CPC-PCC).
On the 28th of April, the youth and people of Colombia took to the streets in a National Strike in rejection of the anti-popular policies the government of Iván Duque has been developing, which have aggravated an already difficult situation due to the economic and health crisis.
Shimon Nepom (1882—1939) was a member of the “Proletarian Poets,” a Toronto-based communist Yiddish poetry group. Before his death, he published multiple volumes of his writings, much of which touched on his autobiographical experience as a Jewish worker and his socialist aspirations.
This post is part of a new biweekly series posting chapters of Frank Cunningham’s Understanding Marxism: A Canadian Introduction (Toronto: Progress Books, 1981). Through these excerpts, readers will come to understand the basics of Marxist theory through a Canadian lens in a digestible, accessible, and easy-to-understand way. As 2021 marks 100 years of the communist movement in Canada, and as more young workers and students become interested in Marxism, we hope that this educational series will benefit our readers.
En cette journée internationale des travailleuses et des travailleurs, la Ligue de la jeunesse communiste du Canada envoie des salutations chaleureuses aux jeunes, aux étudiant-es et aux jeunes travailleur-ses de tout le Canada.
This International Workers’ Day, the Young Communist League of Canada – Ligue de la jeunesse communiste du Canada sends warm greetings to youth, students, and young workers across Canada.
April 28th marks the Workers’ Day of Mourning in Canada and the World Day for Safety and Health at Work. To mourn for the fallen is to fight for the living. The YCL-LJC expresses solidarity with all workers of the world, who directly or indirectly have paid for employer negligence of health and safety measures at the workplace.
In reality, this type of racist discourse isn’t really about what political system China chooses. This is about a deep-seated hatred that has spent centuries simmering in the minds of non-Asians, and is finally “acceptable” to air. | En réalité, ce type de discours raciste ne concerne pas vraiment le choix de la Chine quant à son système politique. Il s’agit d’une haine profondément ancrée qui a passé des siècles à couver dans l’esprit des non-Asiatiques et qu’il est maintenant « acceptable » de diffuser.
Depuis le début de la pandémie, Amazon a doublé ses profits, alors que beaucoup de ses travailleur-ses ont encore du mal à joindre les deux bouts.