On March 15, members from the YCL-LJC answered a pan-Canadian call to action in solidarity with the people of Palestine. The call was to shutdown as many Scotiabank branches as possible in protest of the multinational bank’s participation in the ongoing genocide occurring against the Palestinian people in Gaza. This call was the most recent of a series of calls to action against Scotiabank. Since October 7, there have been many disruptions to Scotiabank’s operations and events. Scotiabank is the largest foreign investor in Elbit Systems, a major Israeli arms manufacturer. Prior to the action, Scotiabank reduced its stake in Elbit Systems to 4.3 percent, down from 5.1 percent. At this percentage, it remains the biggest foreign investor in the weapons manufacturer. Other major banks, such as Bank of Montreal, TD, and the Royal Bank of Canada also have massive investments in companies supporting the Zionist regime. These major financial institutions are instrumental in funding the imperialist war machine.
The call to action, organized by the Canada Palestine Association, the Samidoun prisoner solidarity network, and other groups asked protesters to disrupt ‘business as usual’ at their local Scotiabank branch and to convince Scotiabank clients to close their accounts to send a message that their money and labour will not be appropriated to participate in genocide. At many branches, this resulted in the branch closing down for the day or severely cutting down operations.
Across the country, police were mobilized to respond to the protest. In Vancouver, this included as many as 10 officers barricading a single branch, sending a message to protesters and onlookers about who the police are truly meant to protect and whose interests they serve.
The actions in Vancouver eventually culminated in a mass rally at the West Georgia branch that brought together the many different groups who had been protesting that day. The protesters marched on toward the main Scotiabank office chanting indictments of Scotiabank and of the U.S. imperialist regime. The protesters marched down Robson Street, a popular shopping hub in downtown Vancouver, where they had begun to name and shame several corporations who also earn profit from the Zionist settler regime including Indigo, Zara and Starbucks. “No more money for Israel’s crimes,” the protesters chanted.
Actions like these represent crucial times when the young workers and students of Canada have to take initiative to make their voice heard. The YCL-LJC continues to stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine and will continue to stand up for the working people of the world.
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