Lessons from Squid Game
Failed pandemic response, rising consumer debt confirm the message of the anti-capitalist series.
Failed pandemic response, rising consumer debt confirm the message of the anti-capitalist series.
Dans les faits, si l’obligation vaccinale a mis le feu aux poudres, la mèche était déjà bien en place. Les Guadeloupéen-nes et Martiniquais-es sont surtout en lutte contre le mépris colonial.
If mandatory vaccination was the spark that ignited the fire, the fuse was already well in place.
On apprenait, début juin, que les cadres d’Air Canada se partageraient 10 millions de dollars en prime alors que le transporteur aérien connaissait, en 2020, l’une de ses pires performances économiques à cause de la pandémie de COVID-19.
During the shift to online learning, students have seen many of the long-ignored flaws of the post-secondary education system exposed.
On May 10, 86% of Wine Rack workers represented by SEIU Local 2 voted to take strike actions. Workers are now calling for a total boycott on Wine Rack to support the strike.
In reality, this type of racist discourse isn’t really about what political system China chooses. This is about a deep-seated hatred that has spent centuries simmering in the minds of non-Asians, and is finally “acceptable” to air. | En réalité, ce type de discours raciste ne concerne pas vraiment le choix de la Chine quant à son système politique. Il s’agit d’une haine profondément ancrée qui a passé des siècles à couver dans l’esprit des non-Asiatiques et qu’il est maintenant « acceptable » de diffuser.
Currently, Palestinians living in East Jerusalem, or those of whom commute and work in Israel or its West Bank settlements, are entitled to be vaccinated by the Israeli government — however the majority of Palestinians living under Israeli occupation, even those administering the vaccines to other Palestinians, are not.
Le Parti communiste et la Ligue de la jeunesse communiste du Québec s’inquiètent du recours de plus en plus généralisé aux nouvelles technologies dans nos écoles.
On Monday December 14 the Canadian government will receive their first shipment of SARS-COV-2 virus vaccines.