Even as media attention wanes, #BlockTheBoat campaign continues
On Sunday, July 18th, the Vancouver club of the YCL-LJC joined a demonstration organized by member groups of the Vancouver #BlockTheBoat coalition.
On Sunday, July 18th, the Vancouver club of the YCL-LJC joined a demonstration organized by member groups of the Vancouver #BlockTheBoat coalition.
Palestinian Solidarity Group (PSG) at the University of Windsor and others organized a Nakba 73 rally and commemoration at Windsor’s Riverfront, attended by more than 1,000 people.
On May 21st, YCLers attended IfNotNow’s Rise Up Shabbat against Israeli Apartheid in Toronto. Days later, on May 24th, a memorial for Regis Korchinski-Paquet was held.
La YCL-LJC exprime sa plus grande solidarité avec la grève générale en Palestine occupée et en Israël. L’action historique d’aujourd’hui dans la lutte pour l’autodétermination est menée par une génération de jeunes qui ont toujours vécu sous l’occupation ou l’apartheid, et qui ont pourtant montré au monde leur force dans l’unité.
The YCL-LJC extends our utmost solidarity with the general strike in occupied Palestine and Israel. Today’s historic action for self-determination is led by a generation of young people who have always lived under occupation or apartheid, and yet have shown the world their strength in unity.
In response to increased attacks against the Palestinian people by Israel, and to commemorate 73 years of the Nakba, YCL-LJC members across the country participated in rallies and demonstrations. // Les membres de la YCL-LJC ont participé à des manifestations à travers le pays pour commémorer les 73 ans de la Nakba et en réponse à l’augmentation des attaques israéliennes meurtrières contre le peuple palestinien
Hundreds gathered outside the headquarters of the Likud in central Tel Aviv on Tuesday evening, May 11, to rally against the escalation in Gaza and for a political solution to the occupation of the Palestinian territories.
Le secrétaire général de l’Union de la jeunesse démocratique palestinienne condamne les attaques israéliennes criminelles sur la bande de Gaza et appelle aux plus grands mouvements de masse en soutien au peuple palestinien.
The General Secretary of the Palestinian Democratic Youth Union condemns the criminal Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip and calls for the largest mass movements in support of the Palestinian people.
Over the past few weeks, 28 Palestinian families of around 550 people living in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of Jerusalem (Al-Quds) have begun to be evicted from their homes by the Israeli government.