This statement was originally published on Twitter by the World Federation of Democratic Youth, November 13, 2020. It has been adapted below for RY-JM.
On the morning of November 13th, the Moroccan occupation forces opened three breaches east of the Wall of Shame (Moroccan Western Sahara Wall) — in clear violation of the ceasefire agreement — to attack Saharawi civilians who were peacefully protesting in front of the illegal Guerguerat breach.
We want to show our solidarity with the Saharawi youth and people and with our comrades of the Sahrawi Youth Union (UJSARIO). We denounce the illegal actions of the Moroccan army.
We urge the resolution of this conflict, which cannot culminate in any other way than with the end of the occupation and with the exercise of the right of self-determination of the Saharawi people, which has been denied to them for so many years.
Preceding the attack by Moroccan occupying forces, the World Federation of Democratic Youth produced a statement outlining the tensions in Guerguerat. The original Twitter thread is adapted below.
In recent days, tensions have increased over the Guerguerat illegal border gap with Mauritania due to the Moroccan occupation’s failure to comply with Military Agreement No. 1.
The Moroccan occupying forces are conducting an operation to move large numbers of their gendarmes and other security forces into the area, which is part of the Buffer Strip and where “the entry of Royal Moroccan Army and Frente POLISARIO Military Forces personnel or equipment, by ground or air, and the firing of weapons in or over this area, is prohibited at all times”.
They have also already begun to dress their security personnel in civilian clothing, and there are concerns that the Moroccan occupiers may launch an attack against the Saharawi civilians who have been peacefully demonstrating for several weeks against the illegal breakthrough in Guerguerat.
As we did in our 20th General Assembly, the World Federation of Democratic Youth believes that the situation in Western Sahara merits urgent solidarity and attention from the international community, and all anti-imperialist and progressive forces worldwide, to support the Saharawi people’s legitimate and noble struggle against the ongoing occupation by the Moroccan authorities and for the exercising of their right of self-determination.
We strongly support our comrades of UJSARIO, as well as the Saharawis demonstrating in front of the illegal Moroccan-built breach in Guerguarat region, and support their struggle for the legitimate right to close this illegal and continuous violation of the ceasefire and settlement plan.
We denounce the ongoing occupation of Western Sahara by the Moroccan authorities, which is preventing the Saharawi people from exercising their right of self-determination. This goes against all UN resolutions and the principles of international law. We denounce the negligence of international organizations such as the United Nations or the imperialist European Union (especially Spain and France), which are doing nothing to put an end to the illegal occupation by Morocco (or even going so far as to take advantage of the Saharawi people’s natural resources currently under Moroccan authorities’ control), and we condemn the silence of these accomplices.
We call on all sister organisations to do their utmost to raise awareness of the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara, the complicity of the ruling classes with this occupation, and about the necessity of supporting the Saharawi cause and struggle.
We reaffirm our steadfast position on the side of the Saharawi youth and their right to self-determination and a free sovereign state.
Western Sahara is a non-self-governing territory according to the United Nations, which has recognized this national liberation struggle as one of decolonization since 1963, and as such it must be resolved.
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