The below statement is adapted from a Twitter thread posted by the World Federation of Democratic Youth on 6 May 2021. You can access the original thread here.
Below the general WFDY statement is a statement from the Latin America and Caribbean division of WFDY, adapted from this Instagram post.
Statement of the World Federation of Democratic Youth in Solidarity with the Colombian Youth and People
On the 28th of April, the youth and people of Colombia took to the streets in a National Strike in rejection of the anti-popular policies the government of Iván Duque has been developing, which have aggravated an already difficult situation due to the economic and health crisis.
Repression by the repressive apparatus of the Colombian state has been a reality in the protests since the first day, which has already resulted in harsh images of charges and the death of two people.
According to yesterday’s report, at least 25 people have been killed (among them children between 7 and 11 years old); 85 people have disappeared; 2 women have been raped by the public forces; more than 500 people have been arrested and more than 900 people have been injured.
It is no surprise that the ruling classes resort to repression when the indignation of the youth and the working class becomes an unrelenting popular clamour; even less so when we are talking about a government like that of Ivan Duque that has trampled on any progress towards peace in Colombia. “SOS Colombia” and “they are killing us” have become an international repudiation of the situation that the country is going through.
The World Federation of Democratic Youth wants to express solidarity with the Colombian youth and people in this difficult situation. We condemn the repression they are suffering at the hands of the repressive apparatus of the Colombian state, and show our condolences to their families and loved ones. We hope that sooner rather than later the noble struggle of the Colombian youth and people will finally succeed in defeating this system that condemns us to misery and, when we protest, represses us and even does not hesitate to assassinate us.
Comrades, we continue to fight until we build the world we have dreamed of and fought for.
Federación Mundial de las Juventudes Democráticas — Latinoamerica y el Caribe, 6 May 2021
All our solidarity with the brave Colombian people who exercise the legitimate right to demonstrate for a life in peace and dignity.
From every corner of the world we support them in their struggle, which is responded to with the most bloody repression by their government.
We call to activate the complaint from all international organizations and to show solidarity with the people who resist. Stop the massacre!
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