Representatives of the Union of Young Communists of Cuba (UJC) and Young Communist League of Canada met in Havana on January 31 to reaffirm their bilateral relations and common goals. In attendance was Meyvis Estevez Echavarria, First Secretary of the UJC, Mirthia Julia Brossard Oris, head of the International Relations Department of the UJC, Ivan Byard, General Secretary of the YCL-LJC, and Jeremy Abbott, Central Organiser of the YCL-LJC.
There was an exchange of presentations on the conditions for youth and students in the respective countries, the activities and campaigns of the two organisations, and a framework of further collaboration was agreed upon.
The comrades mutually concurred upon the importance of strengthening and reinvigorating the World Federation of Democratic Youth with common campaigns. As well, there was discussion on the preparations for the next General Assembly of WFDY.
The members of the YCL-LJC thanked the comrades of the UJC for their work in the past years as the illegal blockade on Cuba has made life more complicated for youth in Cuba. The UJC has played an exemplary role in stewarding Cuban youth in defence of the Revolution. The YCL-LJC representatives also congratulated their UJC counterparts for their successful congress and renewal in leadership. Comrades from the UJC thanked the YCL-LJC for their work in the Cuba solidarity movement in Canada, particularly bringing youth and student organisations into the movement.
Comrades Byard and Abbott were presented with a new publication of selected works of Fidel and José Martí for youth. The members of the UJC stressed the importance of continuing to publish new materials despite the hardships to develop critical thinking amongst young people.
The representatives from Canada delivered medical supplies and equipment for hospitals and clinics in Cuba in solidarity on behalf of the YCL-LJC.
The two organisations have a long and productive history built on strong foundations of mutual respect and shared principles. This year marks the 80th anniversary of the establishment of unbroken diplomatic relations between Cuba and Canada. Over that time, the two organisations have not only shared political exchanges but as well have helped facilitate cultural, athletic, and academic exchanges between the young people of the two countries. This meeting was an important step in reaffirming the important bilateral work and rapport between the UJC and YCL-LJC.
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