Young Workers

An Injury to One is an Injury to All!

April 28th marks the Workers’ Day of Mourning in Canada and the World Day for Safety and Health at Work. To mourn for the fallen is to fight for the living. The YCL-LJC expresses solidarity with all workers of the world, who directly or indirectly have paid for employer negligence of health and safety measures at the workplace.

La Fédération syndicale mondiale lance une campagne pour la libération des enfants palestiniens prisonniers dans les geôles israéliennes | WFTU launches campaign calling for the release of Palestinian children held in Israeli prisons

Depuis 2000, on estime qu’environ 12 000 enfants palestiniens ont été emprisonnés, certains à l’âge d’à peine 6 ans. // Since 2000, an estimated 12,000 Palestinian children have been imprisoned, some as young as 6 years old.