This article is a statement from the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY). It was originally published on August 12th, 2020. It is available in its original form in Spanish and English here.
Today, 12th of August, is the International Youth Day. We are in a situation characterized by the pandemic and its use by the ruling classes to attack the youth and the people of the world.
At this juncture, we want to denounce the offensives suffered by young workers and students by the ruling classes, being one of the focuses on which has fallen the precariousness of employment, firings, we have paid the consequences of years of privatization of education, and so on.
Despite this, the youth have been an example, self-organizing themselves to face the tasks of solidarity in the neighbourhoods, creating networks of students to be able to avoid the problems of the tele-education, and confronting our workplaces so that our rights were not violated.
On this important day for the youth of the world, we must continue to organize and struggle against Imperialism until we build the world that we have dreamed of and fought for.
We recommend that you take a look at our analysis of the 20th General Assembly where we delved into the role of youth against the number one enemy of the people: Imperialism.
The poster is inspired by a leaflet from the 7th World Festival of Youth and Students, held in Austria in 1959.
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