IN PHOTOS: Rallies held across Canada to demand release of Kononovich brothers
Young Communists and peace activists came out in solidarity with the Communist leaders arrested in Ukraine.
Young Communists and peace activists came out in solidarity with the Communist leaders arrested in Ukraine.
A previously unpublished account of a meeting with Mikhail Kononovich.
Comme le capital est incapable de soutenir son désir désespéré de croissance dynamique – qui aboutit inévitablement à la stagnation et à la crise – il doit chercher de nouvelles sources de profit.
As capital is constantly unable to sustain its desperate desire for dynamic growth – which inevitably results in stagnation and crisis – it must seek new sources of profit.
From September 23rd to September 25th, 2021, the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) held the 47th edition of its Odigitis Festival in Athens.
We stand in solidarity with the communists of Greece and know that through mass popular action, fascism and reaction will be crushed once again on Greek soil. | Nous sommes solidaires des communistes de Grèce et savons que grâce à l’action populaire de masse, le fascisme et la réaction seront écrasés une fois de plus sur le sol grec.
Despite the pandemic, the Festa do Avante! guaranteed safety and fun for 40,000 attendees this year
In May and June, Edmonton rallied against Israeli apartheid and the genocide of Indigenous people in Canada.
On Sunday, July 18th, the Vancouver club of the YCL-LJC joined a demonstration organized by member groups of the Vancouver #BlockTheBoat coalition.
Son interdiction est simplement antidémocratique et ne sert qu’à faire taire les voix des jeunes et de la classe ouvrière.